for bitsy jam 77

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Made withbitsy


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I have a chronic illness, so I don't get to go outside much. And I've always been rather sheltered, so I don't have any friends houses or anything to go to. This game, is pretty much my day to day. I wake up, do some things like change, eat breakfast, etc. Then I go on my laptop, because I don't really have anything else and it's the only place I feel safe. Then, I go to sleep and repeat. I've looked at the stars and sunsets many times, I even wrote a poem about wanting to be a star. Because they seem so free and are surrounded by friends and family (other stars). And I, don't have those things. I really like how you made the stars and the moon, they were beautiful. 




Thats beautiful


YES!!! Beautiful work from you as always


I simultaneously want to praise how technically interesting and well-crafted this game is and cry how utterly sad and soul-crushing it is. It's a beautifully sad and depressingly sublime experience. A meditation on the simultaneous lack and abundance of connection in electronically mediated human life told through a very emotional and personal lens. Those dream sequences are amazing. Great stuff!


Ah, by using the constraints of the game, you give us the constraints of the protagonist. I could walk away from my computer but...

I didn't.


I love this game.  It was very melancholic and sad, and yet there was still a feeling of hope and delight in the world.  Your use of colours and visuals was very striking too.  This was a really great experience, thank you for sharing it with us.


Wow! Really, really impressed by this. I think the layout of the second dream is my favorite, and I love the different mediums all mixed together through bitsy to make the rhythm of this story.


Really enjoying the game so far, but I got stuck, in the browser version, during the dream sequence where the protagonist says they see a lot of birds and stars in their dreams.

hi, sorry about that, when you get stuck does it just go to a black screen, or are you in the part of the dream with the bridge?


I'm on the part of the dream with the bridge, and I don't know how to progress from there.


ah okay, you can get to the next part of the dream by walking to the other side of the bridge from where you started. sorry that that wasn't made super clear, thank u for playing regardless!


Thank you for letting me know, I feel like a bit of a goof for not figuring that out.  I'll go give the game another shot!


This was a really nice game. Museum websites are fun to look at for sure, and I loved how you made the virtual tour on the computer of the museums. The art for those parts was really cool, and I also liked the art of the cityscape from the window. The ending was sad, but I'm happy I played it. 
The character's struggle was definitely relatable. Their indecision and difficulty leaving home reminded me of my own game that I made a few years ago that had some similar themes.


Really love the pixel art in the game. It's visually stunning! The narrative is relatable. Not sure if I've encountered a bug or if it's working as intended, I went to "touch the sky" and got stuck in one screen and cannot progress further.


sorry about that, when i first uploaded it there were quite a few bugs i didn't get a chance to fix, and that was one of them. i went through and cleaned up all the jank and some of the writing, so it should be in a much better state now (you can even get to the ending)! even if you don't want to go back through it and see the ending which i'd totally get, thanks for playing, and thanks for the kind words :)


It's an amazing game and thanks for fixing it!